This month you have a chance to win a trip of your life! Tczew is is an awful city in Pomorze voivodeship in Poland. There's COMPLETELY NOTHING interesting to see! They even can's rebuild their bridge, behaving like if it was another La Sagrada Familia.
< 25 years old |
> 45 years old |
< 45 years old |
Swimming in Vistula river |
Jumping from the Lisewski Bridge |
Screaming @ people in post office |
Argueing with old boomers in a bus |
Walking naked through the city |
Shitting in park like a dog |
School shooting |
Searching for food in trash bins |
Wanking @ Helios Cinema - Kociewska Gallery |
Throwing yourself under the train |
Fight with gopniks |
Complaining about everyting and everyone |
All you need to do is complete the application form and wait for the results! The results will be announced on April 20, 2030.