Today (11.02.2030) is another important and proud day in Polish history. The day when another Polish citizen - Oliwia Bartnicka received the Nobel Prize in chemistry. Polish nation unanimously called her 'another Maria Skłodowska-Curie'. She's the second Polish woman, which received the Nobel Price in chemistry and the fourth Polish woman who generally received the Prize.
So...what is this all about? There are lots of Nobel Prize winners from all over the world and we don't write articles about all of them. Why is Oliwia Bartnicka so special? The thing is that 28-year old Pole has resolved the mystery of the Antimatter. All the things that humanity has achieved in the knowledge of antimatter is that it actually exists. Also people managed to create some single antiatoms of some elements, but the antiatoms were able to exist only for about 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000069μs. And nothing above this through all these years. But that's not all. It's not only the mystery and deep knowledge about the antimatter, but also certain outstanding experiment led to the fact that Oliwia Bartnicka become the Nobel Prize winner.
The experiment involved using quantum supercomputer, which was able to convert certain data of a couple of chemical elements (Nitrogen, Neon, Carbon and Aluminium) in serious amounts. We're talking specyfically about 200mg in an hour. The quantum power was used to massively convert some hidden data written in the core of atom of each element. It wouldn't be possible with a traditional binary-calculating computer or even the old first-gen quantum computers because of the low calculating power, they have.
At certain stage of work in 2027 Oliwia Bartnicka has discovered neutromatter. An unknown so far kind of matter, which behaves completely different than the positive matter and antimatter. Neutratoms behaves just like magnets with the other 2 kinds of matter. That discovery allowed Oliwia Bartnicka to create massive amounts of antimatter. A key to the success was to create some special kind layer made of neutramatter isotopes of the elements used in the antimatter beneath the layer.
So the experiment results are some "baloons" made of e.g. neutraneon isotopes and filled with antineon. Antimatter and neutromatter simply became all 2 sets of whole Mendeleev's table with completely different properties and applications. It's hard to even imagine all the things that have been created during the whole human history, right? Then try to imagine that we might be able to create much much more with the new 2 sets of elements.
The story of Oliwia Bartnicka began in 2020, when she was about to end high school no. 2 in Malbork. She was desperately trying to figure out what does she want to study and what to do in future. Finally when she started to study chemistry, the research started too. What I'm talking about is the idea of acknowledging the theory of antimatter. The idea came from her friend Sebastian Prusik, who at some point was highly interested in popular science YouTube channels. What's most interesting, in February 2020, she knew almost nothing about the antimatter related things.
Although the her interest came quickly and grew intensely until this day, resulting today's Nobel Prize for Oliwia Bartnicka. It's just a matter of time for us to see the antimatter knowledge used in the real life. Right after the Nobel Prize Ceremony, phone calls on the Bartnicka's phone didn't stop, same as the e-mails from biggest companies' CEO's. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Satya Nadella - they're just a couple of hunderds of leaders, who wanted to work with Oliwia Bartnicka. Prepare for big changes in the world.